Is it Sexier to See the World Through the Common Lens?

None of us like to believe that we’re one of the masses. We’re programmed to see the world from our unique perspective to ensure ultimate survival of self. Paradoxically we also trust the wisdom of crowds. What everyone is doing somehow seems like the thing to do, or at the least try out.

The world of business is no different. Social spaces are said to generate huge ad spending and you can bet the race to lead here is heating up. Guys like me and the head lemur here see the obvious lunacy, but is anyone really listening?

With cash opportunities sprouting in the and other spaces, it’s only natural for companies to try to mimic the success of others. However, I think Machiavelli might have had it right, when he observed that most see the action and the result but not the PROCESS. I’d argue that what these recent trends actually mean are distorted b old lenses of equating traffic with relevance, predictions with reality.

When the result is in billions in acquisitions, the observations of “process” and true causes often eludes us. It is definitely sexier to see the results and make what seems to be the “obvious” bets.

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