My Top Ten for 2006

This time of year somehow compels people to assess the key events of the year and I suppose I’m no different.

There’s been lists galore from Yahoo Top Searches, IT Products of 2006, Doc’s Top Blogs, Mashable’s 2007 predictions Round 1 and Round 2, the FutureLabs’ marketing trends, the Social Entrepreneur’s Toolkit to even the Amazon website about lists themselves. I’m not part of the cool club yet to participate in Blog Tagging, so I'll spare you my secrets...

So what to post, what to post?

Well, I’m certainly immersed into the future enough to spout my own perspective on the evolution of the web like this and Web 3.0, but I still believe the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself!

There’s no need to end the year with discussion of social controversy. That's not really my bag, and others are already at it. During this I wondered if people in power want racism to continue because it's a way for them to manage otherwise fragmented voter market spaces?. After all, the irony of community is ultimately the fear of the outsider, is it not? Or whether or not its delusional to believe in God...

I also wondered whether “We are really smarter than me” is really true when less than 1% of the community is responsible for more than 90% of the content on sites like Wikipedia? Or, are currencies going to be the new countries as these virtual examples are already showing us the way?

Finally I decided on sharing the most meaningful things I’ve learned this year, and I hope by sharing them will benefit others as they’ve enlightened me:

1. You can’t share meaning until you’ve shared context.

2. You can’t be any more intelligent, you can however, be less stupid.

3. People don’t ignore you because they don’t know you, they ignore you because they think that they already do.

4. Of course the game is rigged! But if you don’t play, you can’t win.

5. Most people can’t handle real authenticity or transparency, only the illusion of them.

6. Most people will put what they consider to be their means of survival ahead of any “bigger than themselves” cause they claim to participate in.

7. No one is smarter than everyone but it’s still individual insight who originates direction.

8. You can’t really change anyone’s mind, you can however, change their context.

9. Efficiency=Satisfaction=Value

10. It takes much more effort to know than to believe; but it’s always better to know.

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